The artwork titled “Village Street, Sketch,” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1890 in Auvers-sur-Oise, France. Executed using chalk on paper, this work belongs to the Post-Impressionism art movement and is categorized under the genre of sketch and study. Presently, it is housed in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The artwork presents a tranquil village street, depicted in a minimalist yet evocative manner. The use of chalk brings out the varying textures and tones of the village structures, featuring a seemingly meandering path that guides the viewer’s eye into the depth of the scene. The outlines of the buildings and the sinuous curves of the street suggest an organic harmony with an understated precision typical of Van Gogh’s sketches. The piece captures a fleeting moment of rustic simplicity, making it an introspective study of everyday life.