“Violet Bouquet” is a piece created by Albrecht Durer around 1502, which represents the Northern Renaissance art movement. The artwork is a flower painting and resides in the Albertina museum located in Vienna, Austria.
The image shows a delicate cluster of violets, each with richly colored purple petals that appear velvety to the touch. These blooms are accented with hints of white and deep shades, giving them a vivid three-dimensionality. The floral arrangement is nestled atop a collection of green leaves which display a realistic texture, marked with veins and subtle variations in shade, illustrating Durer’s meticulous attention to detail. The background of the artwork is a warm, plain parchment or paper, which further accentuates the highly detailed and lifelike representation of the violets. This piece exemplifies Durer’s gift for creating botanical illustrations that are both scientific in their accuracy and artistic in their beauty.