The artwork, titled “Vitebsk from Mount Zadunov,” was created by Marc Chagall in 1917 near Liozna, close to Vitebsk, Belarus. It belongs to the Cubism art movement and falls under the cityscape genre.
The artwork depicts a vibrant yet serene view of the city of Vitebsk, as seen from the elevated vantage point of Mount Zadunov. The foreground is dominated by lush, green foliage, with trees providing a natural frame for the urban landscape that unfolds beneath. The city itself is rendered with detailed precision, featuring a variety of buildings characterized by their red and beige rooftops and walls. Beyond the rooftops, the city stretches out towards the horizon where church domes and industrial chimneys outline the skyline. The composition effectively merges elements of nature with the geometrical structures of the urban environment, capturing a moment of tranquility during a period of significant artistic evolution.