The artwork, titled “Vox Angelica,” was created by Max Ernst in 1945 in the United States. Manifested in oil on canvas, the piece measures 152 by 205 centimeters. It belongs to the Surrealism art movement and is classified within the genre of symbolic painting.
“Vox Angelica” is a multifaceted composition that is sectioned into various panels, each depicting different symbolic elements. Dominated by a rich and diverse palette, the artwork amalgamates abstract forms, nature elements, and geometric shapes. These sections feature intricate landscapes, angular structures, and mystical symbols, set against contrasting backgrounds of vibrant yellow, serene blue, and earthy tones. The juxtaposition of the myriad visual elements creates a surreal and evocative experience, characterized by Ernst’s distinctive symbolic language. The artwork invites viewers to explore its intricate details and the enigmatic interplay between the natural and the abstract.