The artwork titled “War II” was created by artist Marc Chagall between 1956 and 1957 in France. This piece, rendered through lithography on paper, is a symbolic painting reflective of the Expressionism art movement. The dimensions of the artwork are 63.5 x 50.3 cm.
In the artwork, a large fish-like figure seems to loom over the scene, adding a sense of surrealism and ambiguity. At the center, a female figure cradles an infant, possibly indicative of themes of protection and maternal care amidst turmoil. The background is filled with dense, textured strokes, creating a dark, almost nocturnal atmosphere with the inclusion of a crescent moon. The expressive black and white contrasts, combined with the emotional intensity of the figures, encapsulate the symbolic and deeply personal style that is characteristic of Chagall’s oeuvre.