The artwork, titled “War,” was created by Marc Chagall between 1964 and 1966 in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France. It is an oil painting on canvas, embracing the genre of symbolic painting and aligning with the Surrealism movement. The artwork measures 163 x 231 cm and is currently housed at Kunsthaus Zürich in Zürich, Switzerland.
“War” depicts a chaotic and symbolic scene with surreal elements. The composition is dominated by a colossal white goat in the center, surrounded by various human and animal figures, each engaged in a struggle or a moment of suffering. A sense of turmoil is enhanced by the dark and intense palette, with fiery red, yellow, and black hues evoking a scene of destruction. The background is filled with dark, swirling clouds, and flames scourge the left side of the scene, indicating a catastrophic event. Human figures appear distressed, fleeing, or in anguish, emphasizing the tumultuous and tragic nature of war. The surreal and symbolic elements in the artwork evoke deep emotional responses and invite contemplation on the horrors and consequences of war.