The artwork titled “War Series: Alert,” created by the acclaimed artist Jacob Lawrence in 1947, belongs to the genre painting category and is influenced by the Cubism art movement. This piece of art is a part of Lawrence’s renowned “War Series,” where he explores the themes of conflict and vigilance.
In “War Series: Alert,” the artist employs a dynamic composition featuring angular shapes and a stark color palette of deep blues and earthy browns. The use of angular forms and bold colors is characteristic of Cubism, bringing a sense of urgency and tension to the scene. A central figure, presumably a soldier, is depicted in a state of alertness, with their elongated form and abstracted features contributing to the overall sense of unease and vigilance. The background elements, layered and fragmented, echo the chaos and instability of war. The composition’s vertical orientation further amplifies the tension captured within the piece, making it a powerful visual representation of the theme of alertness in times of conflict.