The artwork titled “War Series: Another Patrol,” created by Jacob Lawrence in 1946, exemplifies elements of Cubism and Social Realism and falls under the genre of genre painting. The composition features a dynamic depiction of three abstracted figures ascending a slope, each carrying what appears to be luggage or supplies. The visual economy uses bold, simplified forms and a restricted color palette dominated by shades of blue, black, and beige, emphasizing the repetitive and strenuous nature of their journey. The geometric fragmentation of the figures and background reflects the influence of Cubism, while the everyday subject matter brings attention to the social and human aspects of wartime experiences, aligning with Social Realism. The use of flat planes and strong lines further conveys a sense of movement and urgency within the scene.
War Series: Another Patrol (1946) by Jacob Lawrence
Artwork Information
Title | War Series: Another Patrol |
Artist | Jacob Lawrence |
Date | 1946 |
Art Movement | Cubism,Social Realism |