The artwork titled “War Series: The Letter,” created by the artist Jacob Lawrence in 1946, employs tempera and watercolor as its mediums. It belongs to the Expressionism and Social Realism movements and is categorized under genre painting. This piece is housed at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City, NY, US.
The artwork portrays a poignant scene centered on an individual, depicted from the back, leaning over a table. The central subject is rendered in stark, bold lines and colors, characteristic of Lawrence’s style. The focal point of the composition is a white letter situated on the dark table, accentuating the gravity of the moment depicted. The background features a repetitive, textured pattern that enhances the sense of emotional weight and confinement of the setting, highlighting the isolating and impactful nature of receiving news during wartime. The simplicity and directness of the composition serve to evoke a profound emotional response from the viewer, encapsulating themes of anticipation and sorrow inherent in wartime correspondence.