“Ward in the Hospital at Arles,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1889, is an oil on canvas painting that belongs to the Post-Impressionism art movement. Measuring 92 by 74 cm, this genre painting is located at the Oskar Reinhart Foundation in Winterthur, Switzerland.
The artwork depicts an interior scene of a hospital ward in Arles, France, characterized by Van Gogh’s distinct style of bold brushstrokes and vibrant colors. The composition is structured with a view down the length of the ward, featuring rows of beds separated by green curtains. Patients are shown engaged in various activities—some sitting on chairs, others standing or conversing, and a few interacting with the hospital staff. The floor and wall colors reflect the muted yet warm tones often associated with Van Gogh’s later works, enhancing the sense of depth and the perspective of the room. The overall atmosphere conveys both the busyness of the hospital environment and a poignant sense of calm, embodying Van Gogh’s unique ability to depict the subtleties of human experience through his art.