“Waste Paper Bags,” created by artist El Anatsui between 2004 and 2010, is an installation artwork constructed from aluminium and copper. As part of the Junk Art and Post-Minimalism movements, this piece embodies an intricate expression of re-purposed materials.
The artwork showcases an array of large, sculptural forms that appear crumpled and fragmented, resembling heaps or bags of discarded paper. These forms, meticulously crafted from aluminium and copper, create a striking visual contrast against the smooth, clean lines of the gallery space. The installation is arranged to engage viewers from multiple perspectives, inviting them to explore the nuances and textures of the material. The walls surrounding the freestanding pieces also feature expansive tapestries made from similar materials, further enhancing the immersive experience of the artwork. The deliberate arrangement and the choice of materials contribute to a powerful commentary on consumption, waste, and the transformative potential of discarded objects.