The artwork, titled “Watermelons,” was created by the artist Rufino Tamayo in the year 1977. It belongs to the Expressionism art movement and is classified under the genre of still life. The artwork presents a minimalist yet vivid depiction of watermelon slices, emphasizing texture and color to convey its expressive essence.
In the artwork, two large watermelon slices dominate the composition. The background is composed of deep red and orange hues, which echo the vibrant, warm tones characteristic of Tamayo’s work within the Expressionist movement. The simple, clean lines of the watermelon slices against the textured and richly colored backdrop highlight the contrast between the subject and the setting. The slices appear to be carefully placed, with one slice partially overlapping the other, creating a sense of harmony and balance. The interplay of dark and light shades brings depth and dimension to the still life, embodying the artist’s distinctive style.