The artwork titled “Weed Burner, Sitting on a Wheelbarrow with his Wife,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1883, is housed in a private collection. Painted with watercolor on paper, this piece belongs to the Realism art movement and the genre painting genre. The scene depicted is set in The Hague, Netherlands, and captures an everyday moment with a distinct attention to detail and emotion.
In the artwork, we observe two main figures: a man and a woman. The man is stooped over, seemingly engrossed in his task of burning weeds, while the woman sits on what appears to be a wheelbarrow. The background reveals a somewhat desolate landscape, highlighted by the sparse, leafless trees and the muted tones of the sky. A solitary figure in the distance adds a sense of depth and isolation to the scene. The use of watercolor lends the painting a soft, almost melancholic atmosphere, effectively conveying the hardships and simplicity of rural life. The overall composition is reflective of Vincent van Gogh’s focus on depicting the struggles and perseverance inherent in everyday existence.