The artwork, titled “Wheat Harvest” and created by Vincent van Gogh in 1884, originates from Nuenen, Netherlands. This piece, executed in ink on paper, falls under the Realism art movement and is categorized as a sketch and study. Currently, it is housed at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The artwork depicts a vivid portrayal of rural agrarian life, with several figures engaged in the laborious task of harvesting wheat. The linear strokes and hatching techniques employed by van Gogh convey a sense of movement and activity within the scene. Workers are shown diligently cutting and gathering the stalks of wheat, while a horse-drawn cart, laden with the harvest, stands centrally in the composition. The presence of architectural features in the background provides a contextual landscape, grounding the scene in a specific time and place. The sketch exhibits van Gogh’s keen observational skills and his ability to capture the essence of everyday life with remarkable detail and authenticity.