The artwork titled “Windmill at Montmartre” was created by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh in the year 1886 during his time in Paris, France. This piece is part of the Post-Impressionism movement and is classified under the genre of sketch and study.
The artwork depicts a dynamic and somewhat abstract representation of a windmill situated in Montmartre, Paris. Executed with quick, expressive strokes, the composition captures the essence and movement of the windmill blades. The use of bold lines and varied shading techniques delineates the structure of the windmill and its immediate surroundings. In the foreground, one can discern the simplified silhouettes of individuals, suggesting human presence and providing a sense of scale. The minimalist, yet evocative style of this sketch reflects van Gogh’s keen observational skills and his ability to convey atmosphere and movement through elemental forms and textures.