The artwork titled “Woman by the Fireplace,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1885 during his time in Nuenen, Netherlands, serves as an evocative study within the Realism art movement. Executed using gouache and watercolor on paper, this piece is categorized as a sketch and study and is currently held in a private collection.
The composition depicts a solitary woman seated by a large, rustic fireplace. Rendered in muted tones, the scene captures the quiet intensity of the setting. The woman is positioned to the left of the fireplace, enveloped in shadows that accentuate her contemplative expression and humble attire. The rough texture and dark hues convey a sense of modest subsistence, while the subdued detailing creates a poignant atmosphere. The fireplace, forming the central aspect of the piece, looms with a timeless, almost spectral presence, accentuating the woman’s solitude in the intimate, domestic space. This work subtly reflects van Gogh’s intricate study of human expression and the earnest simplicity of rural life.