The artwork, “Woman Reeling Yarn,” is a sketch by renowned artist Vincent van Gogh, created in 1884 in the town of Nuenen, Netherlands. This piece, executed in ink on paper, is part of the Realism art movement and represents a study sketch. “Woman Reeling Yarn” is housed in the Kröller-Müller Museum located in Otterlo, Netherlands.
The artwork, an intricate ink sketch, portrays a woman engaged in the task of reeling yarn in a modest, dimly-lit interior. The room is simple and unadorned, emphasizing the humble, everyday nature of the activity. The woman is positioned near a spinning wheel, demonstrating her focus on her work. The background features a window with curtains softly filtering the light, adding a sense of quietude to the scene. Van Gogh’s skillful use of ink captures the textures and nuances of both the figure and her surroundings, exemplifying his acute attention to detail and commitment to depicting the realities of daily life.