“Woman’s Head in Profile,” created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1907 while in Paris, France, is an oil on canvas artwork emblematic of the Expressionism movement. This portrait, measuring 35.5 by 29.5 cm, is presently part of a private collection.
The artwork portrays a woman’s head in a stark profile against a muted backdrop, showcasing Modigliani’s characteristic elongated forms and somber tones. The subject’s neck and head are prominent, set against a relatively plain background that accentuates the profile. The painterly brushstrokes and the subtle play of light and shadow on the subject’s face point towards Modigliani’s distinct style. The background consists of earth tones, with a hint of yellow, which juxtaposes the darker tones of the woman’s hair, drawing attention to the delicate features and soft lines of the profile.