The artwork titled “Woman, Sitting by the Fire, Peeling Potatoes” was created by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh in 1885 in Nuenen, Netherlands. Executed using chalk on paper, this piece belongs to the Realism movement and is categorized under the genre of sketch and study. The artwork is housed at the Musée David and Alice Van Buuren in Brussels, Belgium.
The artwork portrays a serene and humble scene of a woman engaged in domestic activity, seated by the fire as she peels potatoes. The subdued monochromatic palette and soft, yet deliberate lines draw the viewer’s focus to the simplicity and intimacy of the everyday moment captured. The woman wears modest attire, and her slight, careful movements suggest a sense of quiet concentration and routine. The background, with its minimal detail, further accentuates the subject, emphasizing the realist approach of depicting ordinary life with a touch of reverent observation.