“Woman Sitting in Blue Dress” is an exemplary piece of Expressionism, created by the renowned artist Amedeo Modigliani between the years 1917 and 1919 in France. The portrait, measuring 70 by 50 centimeters, is currently housed at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Sweden.
The artwork presents a strikingly stylized portrayal of a woman seated, depicted with an elongated face and neck, characteristic of Modigliani’s distinctive style. Her serene expression is complemented by the simplistic, yet evocative background that emphasizes her presence. The blue dress she adorns is elegantly rendered, adding a somber elegance to the composition. The use of muted, yet rich colors highlights the thoughtful minimalism in the rendering, invoking a sense of depth and introspection. The artwork’s overall aesthetic is a testament to Modigliani’s ability to blend simplicity with profound emotional resonance, exemplifying the ethos of the Expressionist movement.