The artwork titled “Woman Walking Her Dog” is by the esteemed artist Vincent van Gogh, created in 1886 during his time in Paris, France. Composed using chalk and ink on paper, this piece falls under the Post-Impressionism movement and is categorized as a sketch and study. It is currently housed in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The artwork depicts a portly woman dressed in a heavy, dark garment, walking along an urban street with her small dog. The city’s architecture and bustling street life form a detailed backdrop. The composition features both countrified and urban elements, with a simplistic and rough depiction of the buildings and figures in the distance. Van Gogh’s use of bold, heavy lines and meticulous shading captures the essence of the scene with a raw, almost coarse energy. The lively use of chalk and ink portrays a vivid and dynamic representation of everyday life, resonating with the Post-Impressionist style’s emphasis on bold colors and spontaneous, expressive brushwork.