The artwork titled “Woman with a Green Necklace (Madame Menier)” was created by the renowned artist Amedeo Modigliani in 1918 in Paris, France. This expressionist oil on canvas painting, measuring 99.1 x 59.7 cm, is a prime example of portraiture from that period. Currently, it is housed at the Fujikawa Galleries in Tokyo, Japan.
The artwork features a stylized and elongated depiction of a woman, characteristic of Modigliani’s unique artistic approach. The subject, identified as Madame Menier, is portrayed with a subtle yet pronounced sense of elegance and introspection. The green necklace, a striking element, contrasts with the darker tones of her attire and the muted background, drawing immediate attention to her elongated neck and poised demeanor. The composition is dominated by soft, blended hues and simplified, flowing lines which amplify the expressiveness of the woman’s facial features and posture.