The artwork titled “Woman with Collie,” created by John Singer Sargent between approximately 1901 and 1925, is a watercolor piece executed in the Impressionist style. It measures 35.24 x 25.4 cm and is categorized as a sketch and study.
In this impressionistic watercolor, the artist portrays a woman and a collie with a loose and expressive technique. The woman’s face is obscured by the brim of her pink hat, shaded with red accents and set against a verdant backdrop. The impressionistic brushstrokes subtly suggest the woman’s form and attire, employing a delicate, pastel palette. Beside her, the collie is more vividly rendered, its fur depicted in rich browns and whites, its pink tongue prominently visible. The overall composition gives off an ethereal and intimate atmosphere, reflecting the casual elegance characteristic of Sargent’s studies.