The artwork titled “Woman with Flower Head” was created by the renowned surrealist artist Salvador Dali in 1937. It is a symbolic painting executed with gouache, ink, and paper, and it measures 38.5 x 50 cm. This piece is a manifestation of the Surrealism art movement and, as of my last update, it is held in a private collection.
In the artwork, there is a striking depiction of a female figure with a bouquet of flowers for a head. The figure stands in a desolate landscape that stretches flatly across the horizon. The woman’s body is slender and elongated, dressed in a dark, flowing garment that contrasts with the tan hue of the paper. The bouquet bursts with colors, providing vivid visual interest and a surreal substitution for a human head. Besides the central figure, the artwork features a scarcely detailed background with faint silhouettes and a few isolated, sketch-like objects dispersed in the foreground. Dali’s signature, along with the date, is present in the bottom right corner. This composition echoes the Surrealist intent to delve into the imaginary and unlock the unconscious, using juxtapositions that challenge conventional perceptions of reality.