“Woman with Wheelbarrow at Night” is an artwork by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh, created in 1884 in Nuenen, Netherlands. This piece, crafted using ink on paper, falls under the Realism art movement and is categorized as a sketch and study. The artwork is currently housed at the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, Netherlands.
The artwork depicts a solitary woman maneuvering a wheelbarrow through a stark, nighttime landscape. Rendered predominantly in shades of gray and black, the scene captures a quaint thatched-roof cottage in the background, partially obscured by a barren, leafless tree. The composition of the artwork is characterized by its somber atmosphere and meticulous detailing, emphasizing the quiet, reflective mood of the night. The linear quality of the ink strokes imparts a sense of texture and depth, contributing to the realism for which the piece is noted. The woman’s figure, though central, is subtly integrated into the surroundings, illustrating van Gogh’s adeptness at blending subjects with their environments.