The artwork titled “Woman with Yellow Hair” was created by the renowned artist Pablo Picasso in 1931. Executed in oil on canvas, this piece of art is a quintessential example of the Surrealism movement. Its dimensions are 100 x 81 cm. As a genre painting, it portrays an everyday scene or figure, imbued with a sense of the extraordinary, which is characteristic of Surrealist art. The artwork is housed in the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, located in New York City, NY, US.
“Woman with Yellow Hair” showcases Picasso’s unique style that played a critical role in the development of modern and Surrealist art. The artwork depicts a female figure with striking yellow hair, taking on an almost dream-like quality through the softened lines and exaggerated forms. The use of color is vibrant yet not bound to realism, which serves to highlight the emotive and surrealistic intentions behind the piece. The woman’s pose and expression are rendered with a simplicity that belies the emotional complexity often found in Picasso’s representations of the human form. Through these elements, Picasso invites the viewer to explore themes that transcend the ordinary, probing the deeper realms of the psyche and imagination.