“Women at their toilette” is an artwork created by Pablo Picasso in 1938, using collage and gouache as the mediums. This substantial piece measures 299 by 448 centimeters and embodies the Surrealist art movement. As a genre painting, it represents scenes from everyday life and currently resides in the Musée Picasso in Paris, France.
The artwork exhibits Picasso’s well-known avant-garde style that challenges traditional perspectives of form and space. It features a fragmented composition of women engaged in their daily grooming rituals. Through the interplay of various textures and materials, Picasso creates an intricate narrative that invites the viewer to inspect the unconventional beauty and complexity of the mundane. The distinct elements of collage, alongside the vibrant gouache colors, work together to create a tactile, layered effect, emphasizing the surreal qualities of the scene depicted. The piece is representative of Picasso’s experimental and revolutionary approach to art during the first half of the 20th century.