“Wonder Masquerade II,” created by El Anatsui in 1990, is a sculpture that falls within the Native Art and Post-Minimalism movements. The medium of this artwork is wood, and it presents a compelling visual narrative within the genre of sculpture.
The artwork stands as a towering, vertical piece composed of intricately carved and textured wooden blocks. Each segment of the sculpture appears meticulously crafted, exhibiting an array of patterns and motifs that evoke traditional native artistry. The wood is treated in such a way that it gives a sense of depth and complexity, with varying shades and textures accentuating different sections of the piece. The overall form of the sculpture is elongated and columnar, with a harmonious balance between its individual parts and the whole structure. This work of art not only highlights El Anatsuiās adeptness in woodwork but also embodies a confluence of cultural and minimalistic influences through its abstract yet grounded form.