The artwork titled “Workers” by Pierre Bonnard, created approximately between 1916 and 1920, is an oil painting on canvas belonging to the Post-Impressionism art movement. The artwork, a genre painting, measures 130 x 160 cm.
The artwork depicts a bustling scene characterized by vibrant colors and dynamic figures. In the foreground, a group of individuals seems to be engaged in various activities. On the left side, a woman in red is shown reading or examining something, while next to her, a few other figures, clothed in varied attires, walk and interact. To the right, workers are immersed in their tasks, one of them bending and another standing with a tool, possibly amidst some kind of industrial work, indicated by the billowing white smoke. The background reveals buildings, a river with boats, and an overcast sky with swirling, ominous clouds, further enriching the scene’s complexity and atmosphere.