“Workman with Spade, Sitting near the Window,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1883 in The Hague, Netherlands, is a compelling piece rendered in chalk and pencil on paper, exemplifying the Realism movement. This portrait, housed in the Arkansas Arts Center in Little Rock, AR, US, presents a poignant depiction of a laborer taking a moment of rest.
The artwork portrays a solitary workman seated on a simple wooden chair, his posture slightly hunched forward, suggesting exhaustion or contemplation. The spade, propped against his shoulder, hints at the physical nature of his labor. With detailed shading and deft strokes, van Gogh captures the rugged texture of the man’s clothing and the worn surfaces of his boots, emphasizing the dignity of labor. The setting is sparse, with a window casting muted light over the scene, enhancing the sense of solitude. The stark simplicity of the room further draws attention to the workman’s weary expression, making the portrait a powerful commentary on the toil and endurance of the working class.