The artwork titled “World’s Treasure,” created by Nicholas Roerich in 1924, is a study within the Symbolist art movement. This piece, categorized as a sketch and study, showcases Roerich’s ability to imbue his work with profound symbolic meaning.
The artwork depicts a rugged and majestic mountainous landscape, rendered in subdued monochromatic tones. Voluminous rock formations dominate the composition, drawing the viewer’s eye towards their imposing presence. Nestled within the craggy terrain is a lone figure draped in flowing garments, suggestive of a seeker or traveler. The juxtaposition of the solitary human form against the grandeur of the natural world evokes a sense of introspection and reverence for the mysteries hidden within the earth’s vastness. The meticulous attention to detail and deliberate use of shading reflect Roerich’s thoughtful contemplation of the ethereal and earthly.