The artwork titled “Yoko protecting his father from a tiger” is a creation of Utagawa Kuniyoshi, an eminent artist from the Ukiyo-e movement. This marvelous piece of mythological painting vividly illustrates a poignant scene where the figure Yoko is seen defending his father from the onslaught of a ferocious tiger.
In the artwork, the artist has masterfully captured the intensity and dynamism of the moment. Yoko, depicted in vibrant attire, is shown extending his arm toward the formidable tiger, conveying a sense of bravery and determination. The tiger, with its glaring eyes and detailed fur, leaps menacingly from the left of the frame, embodying both power and peril. The background features a mountainous landscape adorned with foliage, enhancing the dramatic tension of the scene. The composition, characterized by its intricate details and vibrant colors, exemplifies Kuniyoshi’s expertise in bringing mythological narratives to life through his art.