The artwork titled “Young Boy Feeding Rabbits” was created by the artist John Bradley in the year 1831. It is a work that falls under the Naïve Art (Primitivism) movement and is categorized within the genre of portraiture.
In this painting, a young boy is depicted standing on a grassy area, engaged in the act of feeding two rabbits. He is adorned in a dark, formal suit with a white collar, exuding a sense of innocence and simplicity through his attire and demeanor. The background features a winding yellow path leading to a church tower, surrounded by tall, evergreen trees. The clear blue sky overhead enhances the serene and idyllic atmosphere of the scene. The naive style is evident in the straightforward and unembellished portrayal, characteristic of the Primitivism movement. The overall composition and the handling of the subject matter reflect a primitive simplicity and sincere emotional expression.