The artwork titled “Young Boy with Toy Horse,” created by John Bradley in 1820, belongs to the Naïve Art (Primitivism) movement and falls under the genre of portraiture. This particular piece captures the essence of simplicity and innocence, characteristic of the Naïve Art style.
In the artwork, a young boy is prominently featured, holding a toy horse on wheels with one hand, while his other hand holds a whip. The boy is dressed in attire that appears somewhat formal, with a distinctive collar that stands out against his dark clothing. The background consists of a serene landscape, subtly blending into the horizon with faint suggestions of foliage and possibly a building or a church in the distance. A hat lies on the ground near the boy’s feet, further accentuating the casual yet earnest nature of the scene. The overall composition exudes a sense of calm and nostalgia, evoking the simplicity and candidness often found in early 19th-century portraiture.