The artwork titled “Young Girl Wearing a Rose” was created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1916 in Paris, France. This piece, rendered using oil on canvas, is a notable representation of the Expressionism movement. The portrait, which measures 65.2 by 46.5 centimeters, exemplifies Modigliani’s distinct artistic style and focus on expressive, human-centric subjects.
The artwork depicts a young girl set against a stark, dark background, which contrasts with the warm, earthy tones used in her elongated face and neck. Her melancholic and introspective expression draws attention to the central subjects of the piece — her eyes and the delicate rose she wears. The artist’s bold use of simplified forms, smooth contours, and a subtle palette highlights both the figure’s emotional depth and the inherent elegance of Modigliani’s work. The overall composition demonstrates a harmonious balance between the abstraction and the emotive essence typical of Expressionist portraiture.