The artwork titled “Young Man, Sitting with a Cup in his Hand, Half-Length” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1883 in The Hague, Netherlands. This piece, rendered using chalk, charcoal, and pencil on paper, falls within the Realism art movement and is classified as a sketch and study. Currently, it resides in a private collection.
In the artwork, a young man is depicted sitting, with a cup held in his right hand near his mouth. His expression is contemplative and his gaze is directed downward, suggesting a moment of introspection or quiet contemplation. The sketch employs a monochromatic palette of shades and hues typical of chalk and charcoal, highlighting the rough texture of the man’s clothing and the subtle details of his face and hands. The lines are delicately yet purposefully drawn, reflecting Van Gogh’s keen attention to capturing the essence of the moment and the character of the subject. The minimalistic background does not detract from the focal point, emphasizing the young man’s posture and expression.