The artwork, titled “Young Man with Cornflower,” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1890 in Auvers-sur-Oise, France. Utilizing the medium of oil on canvas, this portrait epitomizes the Post-Impressionism art movement and measures 39 by 30.5 centimeters. Currently held in a private collection, this piece reflects the evocative and emotive style characteristic of Van Gogh’s renowned works.
Within the artwork, a young man is depicted with a carefree expression, holding a cornflower delicately between his lips. Van Gogh’s distinctive brushwork and vibrant color palette are prominently featured, highlighting the swirling, energetic lines that characterize the man’s flowing hair and the background. The bold use of greens and yellows provides a striking contrast while embedding a sense of warmth and vitality into the composition. The man’s attire, rendered with dark and dynamic strokes, further accentuates the casual yet intense ambiance of the portrait. This piece exemplifies Van Gogh’s innovative approach to capturing human emotion and the essence of his subjects.