The artwork titled “Young Woman Cleaning a Pipe,” created by Utagawa Kuniyoshi in 1850, is a woodblock print. This piece, measuring 36.4 by 24.5 centimeters, belongs to the Ukiyo-e art movement and is categorized under the portrait and bijinga genres. It is currently housed in the British Museum in London, UK.
In the artwork, a young woman is depicted in a serene moment as she meticulously cleans a pipe. The composition showcases the artist’s expertise in capturing delicate details—her kimono adorned with intricate patterns, a poised demeanor, and a sophisticated hairstyle accentuated by a hairpin and an intricately tied hairpiece. The background includes a narrative insert, enhancing the storytelling aspect traditional in Ukiyo-e prints. This insert features another character and scene, providing a broader context to the main subject’s activity. The use of color, calligraphy, and attention to fabric detail reflects the elegance and refined taste characteristic of Kuniyoshi’s work.