“Youth Woman in Blue” is a portrait created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1919, in France. It is an exemplar of the Expressionism movement, measuring 90.8 by 60 cm. The artwork is housed in the Barnes Foundation, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.
The artwork portrays a young woman with elongated and fluid features, characteristic of Modigliani’s distinctive style. The woman’s serene, almost androgynous face with almond-shaped eyes and pursed lips conveys a sense of introspection. She is adorned in a blue garment with a prominent white ruffle, contrasting against the muted dark background. The brushwork and use of color highlight the figure, drawing the viewer’s attention to her solemn and contemplative expression. Modigliani’s stylized representation imbues the portrait with emotional depth and elegance, capturing a timeless essence and introspective beauty.