The artwork titled “Youth of Abraham,” created by Howard Finster in 1988, falls under the Art Brut movement and is categorized as a portrait. Finster’s distinctive, idiosyncratic style is immediately apparent in this piece, which incorporates symbolism and textual elements.
The artwork portrays a man with stark, simplistic features and exaggerated eyes. He is depicted wearing a suit adorned with numerous, colorfully sketched faces and other symbolic images. The suit is prominently decorated with various handwritten messages and phrases, such as “Youth of Abraham,” “PRAY DAILY,” and “BE A LIGHTHOUSE TO JESUS,” reflecting spiritual and biblical themes. The suit’s vibrant blue color contrasts with the red-striped tie, adding to the visual intensity of the piece. The portrayal combines both figurative and textual elements, characteristic of the Art Brut style, creating a piece that straddles the line between visual art and written narrative.