The artwork titled “Zebra and Parachute” was created by Christopher Wood in 1930 in Paris, France. It belongs to the Naïve Art (Primitivism) and Post-Impressionism movements and fits within the genre of animal painting. This piece is currently housed at Tate Modern in London, UK.
The artwork depicts a zebra standing in an environment characterized by geometric, modernist architectural elements in muted tones of gray and white, contrasting sharply with the zebra’s distinct black and white stripes. Above, set against a pale blue sky, a figure is descending with a colorful yellow and orange parachute, adding a surreal and whimsical touch to the scene. The juxtaposition of the zebra and the parachute creates an intriguing narrative within the painting, drawing the viewer’s attention and sparking curiosity about the connection between these two elements. The style of the painting reflects a simplicity and directness typical of Naïve Art, while also incorporating elements of Post-Impressionism with its attention to form and structure.