The artwork titled “Zuleika,” created by John Singer Sargent around the year 1907, is a watercolor painting on paper with dimensions of 25.4 by 35.56 cm. Belonging to the movement of Impressionism, it is categorized under the genre of genre painting and is currently housed at the Brooklyn Museum in New York City, NY, US.
The artwork depicts a serene and intimate scene, showcasing a reclining female figure. The composition is characterized by vibrant and expressive brushstrokes, typical of the Impressionist style, which convey the delicate interplay of light and color. The figure, adorned in a harmonious blend of greens, blues, and oranges, appears to be resting, evoking a sense of calm and tranquility. The use of watercolor medium allows for a fluid and ethereal quality, enhancing the overall aesthetic experience of the painting.